Kentucky DUI Lawyer
Kentucky DUI Attorney Gets Results
Drunk driving is a serious offense, and you don’t want to face the criminal justice system without a Kentucky DUI lawyer at your side. If convicted you could lose your driver’s license, face hefty fines and do jail time. With repeated DUI offenses, you could lose your driving privileges for years.
Don’t let a DUI charge wreck your future. At Church, Langdon, Lopp, and Banet law, our skilled Louisville criminal defense attorneys know what it takes to win these cases and protect your opportunity to drive a vehicle. The firm has years of experience successfully representing clients in DUI cases, and its Kentucky DUI attorneys bring that enhanced legal knowledge to your case. Contact Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law at (812) 725-8224 for an informed evaluation of your legal options.
Why Do I Need a Kentucky DUI Lawyer?
You want to make sure you have the strongest defense possible, which mean you want a DUI attorney who has years of successful experience. Don’t leave your fate and your future in the hands of a young, inexperienced attorney who is still learning the ropes. It’s critical that your Kentucky DUI lawyer strike fast and hard with an airtight defense so that you retain your driving privileges and avoid fines and jail time.
How Do I Choose A Kentucky DUI Attorney?
Very carefully. As you probably already know, all attorneys are not created equal. Some return your phone calls, some don’t. Some know you by name, others think of you as a number on a file. Some will take the time to create a tailored defense specifically for your DUI situation, and others will offer you the same cookie-cutter defense that he or she offers every potential client. Trust a Kentucky DUI lawyer at Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law to listen to you, carefully read police reports, and craft a strong defense on your behalf.
How Much Does a Kentucky DUI Lawyer Cost?
Different law firms have different fee schedules, depending on the time required and complexity of a case. Generally, simple and straightforward cases cost less to defend than do complicated cases that involve injury, property damage or repeat offenses. For a more detailed cost estimate, contact a trusted Kentucky DUI attorney at (812) 725-8224. We’d be glad to answer your questions.
What Is the Process After I’ve Been Charged with DUI?
After a person is arrested and charged with DUI, he or she will have the opportunity to hire a Kentucky DUI attorney or be assigned a lawyer from the public defender’s office. Your attorney will meet with you to hear your version of events, review police reports, take notes, and explain your options under the law. At this time, a Kentucky DUI attorney will also begin to formulate your defense, based on the unique circumstances of your case. A person typically has the opportunity to either enter a “not guilty” plea with the court or plead “guilty,” sometimes with a reduced sentence. If this is your second, third or fourth DUI arrest, generally you should expect the court to give you fewer options and impose tougher sentences if convicted.
What Happens To My Driver’s License If I Am Convicted?
This depends on the circumstances of your case — whether you’re a first-time offender, whether you express remorse, and whether you are willing to participate in alcohol education and/or an alcohol treatment program. An experienced Kentucky DUI attorney can explain these options to you. Generally, if you are a repeat DUI offender or show unwillingness to get medical help for addiction, you can expect the court to suspend or revoke your driver’s license.
DUI Sentencing: Criminal and Administrative Penalties
After a person is convicted or pleads guilty to a Kentucky DUI offense, the appropriate legal punishment is determined at the sentencing phase. An experienced Kentucky DUI attorney can explain sentencing in greater detail. Several different kinds of penalties could be imposed, including:
- Incarceration in Jail (shorter-term)–First-time offenders may get shorter stints in jail, but it should be noted that a number of states punish first-time offenders harshly, and many of the other penalties listed here may still apply.
- Incarceration in Prison (longer-term)–Repeat DUI offenders, those convicted of aggravated DUIand DUI offenders who have caused injury or death to another may be faced with much stiffer prison sentences.
- Suspension or revocation of driver’s license–A drunk driver’s license can be suspended, even on their first DUI offense. The duration of a license suspension or revocation varies widely by jurisdiction, as well as by the nature of the offense.
- Use of vehicle ignition interlock devices (IIDs)–Drunk driving laws permit the use of these devices (which lock a car’s ignition until a sober breathalyzer is provided).
- Vehicle Impoundment–Laws allow or require the impoundment of vehicles in cases involving repeat DUI offenders.
- Drug/alcohol education and/or rehabilitation–Sometimes the completion of drug and/or alcohol education programs or coursework is required by the court before a DUI offender’s driving privileges can be restored.
- Community service–A sentencing judge may impose a wide variety of community service assignments.
- Probation–As an alternative to prison, a defendant may be given probation, which has certain restrictions and requirements, such as community service and a restricted license.
- SCRAM Bracelets–Some jurisdictions allow for the use of these alcohol-monitoring ankle bracelets as a penalty or as a condition of probation.
- Suspended sentences–These sentences take effect if conditions of probation are violated.
Source: FindLaw
Kentucky DUI attorneys at Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law have years of experience successfully representing clients in DUI cases. If you have been arrested for a DUI, contact Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law at (812) 725-8224 for an initial evaluation of your options.
Punishment is Tougher and Sentences are Longer for Repeat Offenders
Roughly 30% of all people arrested for a DUI are repeat offenders and have one or more previous DUIs on their record, according to NHTSA. Drivers with prior DUIs are also over-represented in fatal crashes. One study shows that 12% of intoxicated drivers involved in fatal crashes had at least one prior DUI conviction in the last three years. That same study shows that intoxicated drivers with previous DUI convictions are 4.1 times more likely to be involved in a fatal crash. Crash risks also increase exponentially with each additional DUI arrest.
If you have one or more DUI arrests, it’s time to stop and think about how much you value your life. And how you feel about spending time in prison. Punishment and sentences handed down by judges are increasingly severe the more DUIs you have. Repeat offenders are viewed as dangerous to the public at large and need to be kept off the roads.
Sentencing usually takes place almost immediately after a DUI conviction, with the sentencing judge receiving input from the prosecutor and the defense in some cases. The sentencing judge will consider punishments and sentencing ranges identified in applicable Vehicle or Penal Code statutes, as well as a number of case-specific factors, including:
- Defendant’s DUI record and criminal history
- Impact of the DUI on any victims (i.e., whether injuries or death resulted)
- Defendant’s personal, economic, and social circumstances
- Regret or remorse expressed by the defendant.
Kentucky Drunk Driving Statistics
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) compiles the following data on drunk driving in Kentucky:
- 2,041 people were killed in crashes involving drunk drivers in Kentucky from 2003-2012.
- By far the largest percentage of drunk driving deaths in Kentucky are between the ages of 21-34.
- More than 5 males are killed in drunk driving accidents for every 1 female who dies in a drunken crash.
- In Kentucky, drunk driving checkpoints are allowed.
- Drivers with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% are considered alcohol-impaired by law in Kentucky.
Impaired Thinking Leads to DUIs
It’s easy to get behind the steering wheel of a vehicle after dining out at a restaurant or attending a party and think that you’re fine to drive. An experienced Kentucky DUI attorney can tell you that those who have been drinking are the worst judges of their own impairment. That’s why designated drivers who commit to staying sober are so important. Taxis or a ride from Uber are also smart ways to avoid a DUI.
Where once police issued warnings or told drivers to go home after stopping them for alcohol-impaired driving, police have now cracked down and aggressively arrest any driver over the legal blood alcohol limit. Law enforcement has zero tolerance these days for careless and reckless driving. Groups like Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD) have significantly heightened national awareness about deaths caused by drinking and driving, and public opinion has shifted against drivers who make irresponsible choices. Kentucky DIU lawyers know that little tolerance exists among the public or police for anyone who drinks and gets behind the wheel of a 2,000-pound vehicle.
Drunk driving checkpoints are legal and increasingly common in Kentucky, especially around holidays like New Year’s Eve, Christmas, Memorial Day, Fourth of July and the week of the Kentucky Derby.
During the Christmas period, for example, an average of 45 fatalities involving an alcohol-impaired driver happen each day in the U.S., and this number soars to 54 killed per day over the New Year’s holiday. As you might expect, driving danger is higher during other holiday periods, too. Kentucky DUI attorneys know that drivers need to be extra careful when they are on the road during holidays; and late at night, it’s best not to drive at all.
If you have been arrested for a DUI, don’t count on a sympathetic judge or jury to give you a second chance. Contact a DUI attorney in Kentucky at Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law at (812) 725-8224 to discuss your case and your options. There’s a lot at risk for you, and you need sound legal representation.
Myths About Drinking Alcohol
A lot of myths and misinformation exist around social drinking and alcohol, and it’s important to debunk these myths and eliminate denial among alcohol-impaired drivers. Consider these facts:
- You can get just as drunk on beer and wine as you can on distilled spirits.
- Eating while drinking does not lower your blood alcohol level.
- Drinking the same number of glasses of alcohol as a friend or spouse does not mean you will be equally drunk. Each body processes alcohol differently, depending on size, weight and tolerance.
- Casual drinking can be just as deadly as binge drinking when driving a car.
- Alcohol-impaired driving is not exciting, cool or edgy – it’s foolish.
- Most people think they are better drivers than they actually are, especially when drinking.
Teen Drinking and “100 Deadliest Days”
Nine of the 10 deadliest days for youth on U.S. highways fall between May and August. The period between Memorial Day and Labor Day – summer vacation for most students – has been called “The 100 Deadliest Days” for teen drivers. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, an estimated 5.8% of teens ages 16-17 and 15.1% ages 18-20 reported driving under the influence of alcohol in 2010. The U.S. Department of Transportation found that a total of 3,115 teens ages 13-19 died in motor vehicle crashes that year.
Too much free time and too little driving experience also create higher risks for teenagers. In addition, they are more likely to engage in “distracted driving,” which describes activities like texting, talking on a cell phone or grooming while at the wheel. If you’re a teen or the parent of a teen who has been arrested on drunk driving charges, call a Kentucky DUI attorney at Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law at (812) 725-8224 for a confidential conversation.
Seeking Help When Alcohol Becomes a Problem in Your Life
There’s no shame in admitting you have a problem with alcohol, and shame should not stop you from getting professional help if you need it. Since the 1970s, doctors and professional medical organizations have recognized alcoholism as a disease – not a moral failing. These days there are many, many in-patient and out-patient substance abuse treatment facilities nationwide, and most health insurance policies cover some or all of the cost. Employers are required by law to allow an employee time away to attend an alcohol treatment program without firing them, particularly on a first offense. Several community meetings, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, are also available without fees for persons pursuing sobriety. Churches and non-profit agencies can provide help, too. Don’t miss the chance to change your life and get recovery if you need it.
Make an Informed Choice About a DUI Attorney in Kentucky
There are lots of lawyers to choose from when you need legal representation for a DUI in Kentucky. But all attorneys are not created equal. Not by a long shot. Don’t get lost in the shuffle with an overworked attorney or an anonymous clerk at the public defender’s office. It’s important to select an experienced and respected Kentucky DUI lawyer with a track record of success. Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law is a firm with exceptional Kentucky DUI attorneys. We focus on each client individually. We study individual police reports and formulate a legal strategy for every client. Don’t settle for less. Contact us at (812) 725-8224.
Kentucky Drunk Driving Statistics
- 2,041 people were killed in crashes involving drunk drivers in Kentucky from 2003-2012.
- By far the largest percentage of drunk driving deaths in Kentucky are between the ages of 21-34.
- More than 5 males are killed in drunk driving accidents for every 1 female who dies in a drunken crash.
- In Kentucky, drunk driving checkpoints are allowed.
- Drivers with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% are considered alcohol-impaired by law in Kentucky.
Source: Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
Drunk Driving Statistics in the U.S.
In 2017, 10,874 people died in drunk driving crashes and more than 300,000 were injured in drunk driving accidents.
- A drunk driving crash happens every 48 minutes in America.
- Teen alcohol use kills 4,300 people each year – that’s more than all illegal drugs combined.
- Drunk driving costs the United States $132 billion a year.
- 57% of fatally injured drivers had alcohol and/or other drugs in their system – 17% had both.
- Every day in America, another 30 people die in drunk driving crashes.
- More than 1.1 million drivers were arrested in 2014 in the U.S. for driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics.
- Every 2 minutes, a person is injured in a drunk driving crash.
- About 1/3 of all drivers arrested or convicted of drunk driving are repeat offenders.
- The rate of drunk driving is highest among 26- to 29-year-olds (20.7%).
Source: MADD
Impaired Thinking Leads to DUIs
It’s easy to get behind the steering wheel of a vehicle after dining out at a restaurant or attending a party and think that you’re fine to drive. Those who have been drinking are the worst judges of their own impairment. That’s why designated drivers who commit to staying sober are so important. Taxis or a ride from Uber are also smart ways to avoid a DUI.
Where once police issued warnings or told drivers to go home after stopping them for alcohol-impaired driving, police have now cracked down and aggressively arrest any driver over the legal blood alcohol limit. Law enforcement has zero tolerance these days for careless and reckless driving. Groups like Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD) have significantly heightened national awareness about deaths caused by drinking and driving, and public opinion has shifted against drivers who make irresponsible choices. Little tolerance exists among the public or police for anyone who drinks and gets behind the wheel of a 2,000-pound vehicle.
Drunk driving checkpoints are legal and increasingly common in Kentucky, especially around holidays like New Year’s Eve, Christmas, Memorial Day, Fourth of July and the week of the Kentucky Derby. The greatest number of drunk driving arrests nationwide each year happen in the period between Thanksgiving weekend and New Year’s Day.
During the Christmas period, for example, an average of 45 fatalities involving an alcohol-impaired driver happen each day in the U.S., and this number soars to 54 killed per day over the New Year’s holiday.
Predictably, driving danger is higher than average during other holiday periods, too. According to NHTSA, during Labor Day weekend in 2010, 147 people in the U.S. were killed as a result of drunk driving, which represented 36% of all highway fatalities during that period.
Drivers need to be extra careful when they are on the road during holidays; and during the most dangerous late-night hours on holidays, it’s best not to drive at all.
If you have been arrested for a DUI, don’t count on a sympathetic judge or jury to give you a second chance. Contact a
at Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law at (812) 725-8224 to discuss your case and your options. There’s a lot at risk for you, and you need sound legal representation.Myths About Drinking Alcohol
A lot of myths and misinformation exist around social drinking and alcohol, and it’s important to debunk these myths and eliminate denial among alcohol-impaired drivers. Consider these facts:
- You can get just as drunk on beer and wine as you can on distilled spirits.
- Eating while drinking does not lower your blood alcohol level.
- Drinking the same number of glasses of alcohol as a friend or spouse does not mean you will be equally drunk. Each body processes alcohol differently depending on size, weight and tolerance.
- Casual drinking can be just as deadly as binge drinking when driving a car.
- Alcohol-impaired driving is not exciting, cool or edgy – it’s foolish.
- Most people think they are better drivers than they actually are, especially when drinking.
DUI Sentencing: Criminal and Administrative Penalties
After a person is convicted or pleads guilty to a Kentucky DUI offense, the appropriate legal punishment is determined at the sentencing phase. A number of different kinds of penalties may be imposed on a person convicted of DUI, including:
- Incarceration in Jail (shorter-term)–First-time offenders in many states may get shorter stints in jail, but it should be noted that a number of states punish first-time offenders harshly, and many of the other penalties listed here may still apply.
- Incarceration in Prison (longer-term)–Repeat DUI offenders, those convicted of aggravated DUI and DUI offenders who have caused injury or death to another may be faced with much stiffer prison sentences.
- Suspension or revocation of driver’s license–Many states suspend a drunk driver’s license, even on their first DUI offense. The duration of a license suspension or revocation varies widely by jurisdiction, as well as by the nature of the offense.
- Use of vehicle ignition interlock devices (IIDs)–In many states, drunk driving laws permit or require the use of these devices (which lock a car’s ignition until a sober breath sample is provided) following a DUI offense.
- Vehicle Impoundment–Laws in some states allow or require the impoundment of vehicles in cases involving repeat DUI offenders.
- Drug/alcohol education and/or rehabilitation–Many states require, or allow for, the completion of drug and/or alcohol education programs or coursework before a DUI offender’s driving privileges can be restored.
- Community service–A sentencing judge may impose a wide range of community service on DUI offenders.
- Probation–An alternative to prison, this is a set period of time where the defendant has certain restrictions and requirements, such as community service and a restricted license.
- SCRAM Bracelets–Some jurisdictions allow for the use of these alcohol monitoring ankle bracelets as a penalty or as a condition of probation.
- Suspended sentences–These sentences take effect if conditions of probation are violated.
Source: FindLaw
Kentucky DUI attorneys at Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law have years of experience successfully representing clients in DUI cases. If you have been arrested for a DUI, contact Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law at (812) 725-8224 for an initial evaluation of your options.
Punishment is Tougher and Sentences are Longer for Repeat Offenders
Roughly 30% of all people arrested for a DUI are repeat offenders and have one or more previous DUIs on their record, according to NHTSA. Drivers with prior DUIs are also overrepresented in fatal crashes. One study shows that 12% of intoxicated drivers involved in fatal crashes had at least one prior DUI conviction in the last three years. That same study shows that intoxicated drivers with previous DUI convictions are 4.1 times more likely to be involved in a fatal crash. Crash risks also increase exponentially with each additional DUI arrest.
If you have one or more DUI arrests, it’s time to stop and think about how much you value your life. And how you feel about spending time in prison. Punishment and sentences handed down by judges are increasingly severe the more DUIs you have. Repeat offenders are viewed as dangerous to the public at large and need to be kept off the roads.
Sentencing usually takes place almost immediately after a DUI conviction, with the sentencing judge receiving input from the prosecutor and the defense in some cases, FindLaw states. The sentencing judge will consider punishments and sentencing ranges identified in applicable Vehicle or Penal Code statutes, as well as a number of case-specific factors, including:
- Defendant’s DUI record and criminal history
- Impact of the DUI on any victims (i.e., whether injuries or death resulted)
- Defendant’s personal, economic, and social circumstances
- Regret or remorse expressed by the defendant.
Seeking Help When Alcohol Becomes a Problem in Your Life
There’s no shame in admitting you have a problem with alcohol, and shame should not stop you from getting professional help if you need it. Since the 1970s, doctors and professional medical organizations have recognized alcoholism as a disease – not a moral failing. These days there are many, many in-patient and out-patient substance abuse treatment facilities nationwide, and most health insurance policies cover some or all of the cost. Employers are required by law to allow an employee time away to attend an alcohol treatment program without firing them, particularly on a first offense. Several community meetings, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, are also available without fees for persons pursuing sobriety. Churches and non-profit agencies can provide help, too. Don’t miss the chance to change your life and get recovery if you need it.
Teen Drinking and “100 Deadliest Days”
Nine of the 10 deadliest days for youth on U.S. highways fall between May and August. The period between Memorial Day and Labor Day – summer vacation for most students – has been called “The 100 Deadliest Days” for teen drivers. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, an estimated 5.8% of teens ages 16-17 and 15.1% ages 18-20 reported driving under the influence of alcohol in 2010. The U.S. Department of Transportation found that a total of 3,115 teens ages 13-19 died in motor vehicle crashes that year.
Too much free time and too little driving experience also create higher risks for teenagers. In addition, they are more likely to engage in “distracted driving,” which describes activities like texting, talking on a cell phone or grooming while at the wheel.

Attorney Marc Tawfik
Marc is a Kentucky native, having lived and worked in the state the majority of his life. He is a licensed attorney in Kentucky and Indiana, and his focus is on trial work, including civil litigation and criminal defense. He has represented a wide variety of clients, and he is committed to putting his clients’ needs first. [ Attorney Bio ]
Make an Informed Choice About a DUI Attorney in Kentucky
There are lots of lawyers to choose from when you need legal representation for a DUI in Kentucky. But all attorneys are not created equal. Not by a long shot. Don’t get lost in the shuffle with an overworked attorney or an anonymous clerk at the public defender’s office. It’s important to select an experienced and respected
Kentucky DUI lawyer with a track record of success. Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law is a firm with exceptional Kentucky DUI attorneys. We focus on each client individually. We study individual police reports and formulate a legal strategy for every client. Don’t settle for less. Contact us at (812) 725-8224.